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The Chronicles of Dranik: Resurgence, 

Rise of The King

On the continent of Fernith, the mighty Dwarf Empire falls into a civil war after their high king dies under mysterious causes. His son, Kaynen goes into self-exile, taking on the life of a mercenary and distancing himself from the Empire. As the years drag into decades an old forgotten evil prepares to move in on the weakened Dwarf Empire. Desperate for help the Frostaxe Clan reaches out to Kaynen and his companions. Forcing the young dwarf to face his past and duty.

4.5 Stars!


From Writing Tips to everyday life River covers a wide variety of topics. Learn how to Overcome Writers Block to how to write and create your own fantasy world and novel.

The World of Dranik

Explore the vast world of Dranik to learning about the different regions and continents to the people and races that live there! Take a deep dive into the world and get lost in the lore and rich history!

Rise of The King

Pre-orderthe digital version of Rise of The King right now or read the first chapter for free!

Short Stories

Read the latest and greatest short stories from River F.R Kennedy. Journey into the mysterious Underdark in The Innkeeper or Fight a huge Dragon in The Paladin!

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River F.R Kennedy


About The Chronicles of Dranik

What started as a mandatory school assignment evolved into a LARP world that would eventually become the world of Dranik. My junior years of high school I signed up for a creative writing class. It was easy enough with the only assignment being to write, anything. At the time I created a world in Minecraft called Zelderon and I decided to write a short story that took place in that world. As the story went one my ideas grew in size and scale and I began to build what would be known as Dranik. After passing the class I decided to start a LARP (Live Action Role Playing) group at my school. I wanted to play in my own world and so decided to use Zelderon as the base. Due to more and more people joining and interested in my world i had to expand and add in history, lore, gods and much more. It is here where i changed the name to Dranik. Two years passed and i graduated high school and was forced to hang up my LARP hat. However in the summer of 2019 i decied to crack open that old 40 page short story and make a full book out of it, thus resparking my love for writing.

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